Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Watchmen weekend

   So for the first time in a long time, I was truly happy to work at the Apple Store; We got the opportunity to watch the movie Watchmen, in IMAX, one week before it is officially released.  Not only did I get to have a print of Dave Gibbon's Roarshack but now I get to watch the movie as well.   Now, even though I am fairly new to comics, I am a huge Alan Moore fan and I was a little worried after I found out that he had no involvement in this film.  And going into this I knew that it had no chance to be as good as the comic because that comic is, as A.Moore described it, "un-filmable."  But that was a good way to feel because I would not be disappointed so easily.  the movie was much better than I expected.  The first ten to twenty minutes of the film were the best of any movie I can remember.  Maybe only Saving Private Ryan kept me so intrigued as the Wathcmen.  Holy shit! I had never been hooked so fast.  The actors were pretty much dead on when compared to their comic counterparts, the only let down was the Silk Spectre who was played by the blonde girl from that one Ben Stiller movie in which he gets married to the girl in a hurry. The two best actors were definitely  the ones who portrayed The Comedian and Roarshack.  the visuals were amazing but by now CG does not really impress me, but the color and palette was perfect to bring the atmosphere of the comic into the film.  I was a little dissapointed with the change at the end but at the same time I understood why it had to be changed.  If i was not a fan of the comic I might not have liked the true ending, actually if I was not a fan I don't know if the movie would have been what I expected.  The marketing was a superhero action movie in the vain of Spiderman or X-men, but the Watchmen is so much more then those movies and comics wished they could be.  The Watchmen is about human emotion, choices and consequences.  About utilitarian philosophy and liberal ideologies.  But, don't tell anyone, I had not been so giddy over a movie since Episode I, and we all now how that went. 

Saturday, March 7, 2009